International Journal of Economics, Management and Finance (IJEMF) <p><strong>International Journal of Economics, Management and Finance (IJEMF) - <label>ISSN: </label><label>2820-7408</label></strong> is a peer-reviewed academic publication available in both English and French. Our mission is to disseminate cutting-edge research across all facets of Economics, Business, Management, and related disciplines. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of quality and rigor in the scientific community.</p> en-US (Editor In Chief) (Technical Support of IJEMF) Tue, 06 Aug 2024 11:14:43 +0000 OJS 60 Export Performance Perception by Managers of Family-Owned Agri-Food SMEs in Morocco: An Exploratory Case Study <p>The perception of export performance has been the subject of several studies in the context of developed economies, it is in this sense that we will try to understand this problem in developing countries, in this case, Morocco.</p> <p>This communication will deal with the concept of export performance and particularly its perception by the managers of family agri-food SMEs in Morocco, in other words this work seeks to provide elements of answers to the following questions: How do the owner-managers of family agri-food SMEs perceive the export performance of their companies? Do the managers of these companies use the same determinants and the same variables for measuring export performance&nbsp;? To answer this problem, we will undertake an exploratory study with a sample of managers of family agri-food exporting SMEs in Morocco.</p> Mohamed Abdanour, Noureddine AIT ERRAYS Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000